Tuesday 22 July 2014

Feel Healthier, Sleep Better, Balance Life, Feel Great

We've had many more updates from participants in recent workshops and wellbeing programmes, some of which we'd like to share.

Each of the individuals below has followed the strategy of keeping lifestyle changes simple and taking consistent action.

They're all enjoying the fruits of their efforts so follow their lead and you'll feel fantastic too in a very short time...  

'Thanks again for speaking at our conference, I found this very insightful with true facts that are not that obvious to us regarding diet being the main contributing factor in energy levels, sleep patterns and weight.

I have made a conscious effort to address my diet where possible:

o   Cutting sugar from drinks
o   Fruit in the morning instead of Cereal
o   Minimising Carb intake
o   Analysing ingredients more
o   Ensuring Carb, Protein and Veg portions are split into ¼,¼, ½ sizes.

My sleep pattern is much better and the mix of work and social life has been addressed and feel more settled now.

Thanks again.'

'Thanks for the email.  I really took a lot away from your presentation on the day and glad to say I have kept to my word on my objectives.

Fitness - Rejoined a gym and doing 30-45mins alternating between circuits and spin 5 times a week and ensuring I make  time to do it.

Eating Healthy - I have been very strict with this and cut out high sugar foods and processed foods from my diet.  The sugar content in food has really shocked me.  I have been eating loads more fruit and drinking a lot more water. 

Energy levels (Sleep) - I have ensured I have 8 hours a night sleep and also don’t over sleep anymore. 

By changing these things I feel great.  Feel healthier, look healthier and will definitely keep it going.'

'Starting to see real benefits with my health so will need to remember that when the chocolate cravings are screaming at me.'

'All going good thanks.'

'For days I did buy consciously and planned what I was going to eat on what day, it actually made me spend less on food as I normally over buy and have to end up throwing stuff away. I guess practice makes perfect!'

'I have returned to the Gym and I am without any pain in my back most of the time.'

'Everything is going right, thank you very much. Even being on holidays I'm achieving my objectives of more exercise and better diet, so I'm quite happy.'

'I have been doing exercise like running, cycling etc in the gym regularly for almost 45 minutes and feeling very good.  Started avoiding rice items in the night and reduced the coffee intake as well.'

'I am happy to report I am doing well. Now training for the Dublin marathon at the end of October.'

'I’m a regular breakfast eater now and doing 15 mins exercise most days, defo. Feeling the difference. It was a really helpful session.' 

'I'm doing quite well, even if I do say so myself, I'm definitely drinking more water and have seen lots of the family recently (even on holiday).'  

Read 'More Simple Lifestyle Changes that Really Work

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